Right now
Together with the artist Rani Nair,
dancer and choreographer, we work on the process of Embassy of Movement.
Together with the artist Jan Cardell
we are in the process of turning
Cardells sculptural art into a musical
experience on record.
Follow the process, phase
by phase. In parallel time.
(the films opens in new windows)
Watch draft of new video!
With support from the
Swedish Arts Council.

Since the late 80’s we have worked in the music industry. During the last couple of years we have also been focusing on composing for visual contexts.
Some examples of visual contexts we worked in:
Osynliga Teatern, Lonely Hearts Club, Stockholm (2019).
Drama documentary ”Hitlers dödsdömda svenskar”, Tv4/C-more (2019).
Presskonferensen. A Harold Pinter play, simultaneously performed at 23 squares, by 23 different theaters (läns- och stadsteatrar), all over Sweden (2018).
Disobedience Live , Troja scenkonst, 6 days, 4 activists, one mass action of civil disobedience for the climate. Together with thousands of other people they attempted to occupy coal infrastructures in the Rhineland in Germany.
”Stig Wennerström – Spion i kallt krig”, Drama documentary Tv4/C-more (2017).
Riksteaterns Run for your Life, a live streamed four thousand kilometers relay from Kiruna to Paris, Cop 21. A collaboration with Riksteatern, Troja Scenkonst, climate movements across Europe and perned & stålhammar.